Liam was so smiley during the flight that a few passengers leaving the aircraft complimented me on my happy baby. I really enjoy these encounters with other people and it is great to see how such a little man is able to make so many people smile.
The flight with Liam was great! It is a 4h flight from Charlotte, NC but he was not crying once. For me on the other hand it was not so easy because I had to hold that not so light anymore baby the whole time. On our flight I was able to see the Grand Canyon from above, which was amazing!!It is truly grand!

The Airport of Las Vegas gives you a good foretaste of what to expect later on....gambling machines everywhere around the terminals mixed in with people in crazy costumes and huge billboards advertising all the shows gave me the bizarre feeling of being in a a big Amusement park for grownups. I had to smile when I passed the fresh flower bouquet vending machine. Only in America! Driving away from the Airport I was amazed by the unique landscape. One that I had never seen anywhere else before! I loved how the mountains just look like a painting. The did not look real to me and I could not stop staring at them...It felt like we just landed on a different planet. Everything so wide and vast. Amazing. The strip downtown was great to see but it was one of those things that you see once and you don't have the urge to go back. I find it interesting how everything is just acopy of Europe. Venice, Paris and the italian landscape around the Bellagio, where I was really impressed by the lightshow.We had fun walking around and watching people (you see some crazy ones in Vegas) and Liam was mesmerized by uncountable lights shining from everywhere! It was a great time catching up with good friends. Thank you so much for everything Garrett and Annamarie (=
We went hiking on Mount Charleston which was absolutely beautiful, toured the Hoover Damm and went on an Adventure Trip through the Eldorado Valley, which has been the setting for several wild west movies. We will save the trip to Grand Canyon for next time (=