I am not talking about the time that has passed since my blog but the time since we brought Liam back from the hospital. It really doesn't seem like it has been a year. It was a great celebration of Liams life on May 25th and I can't deny that I was getting a little emotional thinking of the time we had since Liam was born. I realized that he is no longer the little baby but that he is quickly turning to a young boy now. In the last few days he learned how to drink out of a straw and how to give kisses (which melts my heart by the way) and most importantly he achieved his first few steps! He is definately active and very busy opening drawers and cabinets, touching flowerpots and opening toilett seat covers. Parenting definately has become more demanding and more energy consuming. There have been several times when I went outside with Liam along with a book or a magazine when I afterwards thought to myself "really?" did I really think I would find time to read while my child entertains himself nicely? haha.
Liam continues to have a great personality and doing what he does best, smiling and making other people smile along. He brings so much joy to our lifes that it sometimes hard to imagine that we were already happy before we had him.
Since I wrote the last time my mother, Lance's parents and little brother and my best friend Susi came to visit us and we had a wonderful time together. In a month Lance will start his Training in Las Vegas for 6 month. He was accepted into Weapon's school which is the Air Force version of the Navy's "Top Gun" and only the best pilots get selected. Even though a difficult time of seperation and a lot of work lies ahead of us I am very proud of him and happy he was able to reach one of his goals. My plan is to spend some time with my family this Summer and then we will join Lance in the Dessert later on. I am really looking forward to be going back to Germany and spending time with everyone.
Take care! Lana.