We were able to stay with some friends in Colorado on our way and enjoyed a walk in the snow.
We drove through I do remember how many States on our way to Michigan and had a fun stay in Chicago on our way. Looking out from our Suite in the Sheraton (hotwire.com is awesome) and watching the skyline of Chicago while big snowflakes fell down was very romantic I thought.
Liam did really good on the drive and had fun looking through his books. He continues to learn more and more everyday and is constantly picking up new things. He put a big smile on our face when he recently pretended to pray before we had dinner. He just put his hands together, bowed his head and mumbled some baby words before he started. He is quiet the entertainer and loves to make people laugh. It is hard to believe that in only 7 weeks he will be a big brother. The pregnancy has been going extremly good so far and I don't feel a big difference to the last one. If you ask Lance on the other hand the answer could look a little different. He might tell you that I am a lot more emotional and that I get irritated fast! Who knows if it is the hormones or the fact that I am just ready to sleep in our own bed with Liam in his own room after almost 6 months of gypsy living. And anyway, he has done and extremly good job keeping up with my grumpyness. Thankfully it is not a constant condition but only comes in terms.

Despite the fact that I miss our home in SC I do enjoy being around his family and was touched by them all surprising me in the kitchen with a big birthday cake singing Happy Birthday. Thank you for making me feel special. Another highlight was when we all got together on Christmas day at his Grandma's house and spent some time praying together. That was very moving and God's presence was undeniable. It is great to be part of such a good, Christian family. I am glad that we had that time to focus on the real reason for the season.
Liam enjoys being around his cousins very much and loves playing with all their toys. It is great to see him interacting with other children so well and makes me excited about the next one. I really do enjoy the time I have remaining with him being the only child though. I know it will never be the same again. It is so amazing how much you can love your child. Sometimes when he hurts himself and cries I feel like crying along with him (even though the hormones could play there part here too).
It is so nice being able to spend so much time with Lance and great getting all the help being so far along. He does such a good job taking care of Liam and Liam absolutely loves his "Papa".
I hope this blog finds all of you doing well and I wish you very Happy New Year!!