After a long plane ride, which was the first for Luis we made it safe and sound to the United States of America. It was a very emotional journey that got us here and saying good bye to family and friends was difficult. Our last weeks in Germany were special and I will treasure the memories made forever.
Here we are in the USA now, where you see people as big as 3 people next to each other, where a man becoming a woman is the evening filling program on more than one channel, where we had 2 burgers, and 1 greasy pizza in just 24 hours, where a regular parking spot is so big that you could park a truck, where you can find a post office and a pharmacy in a supermarket and an isle full of dog outfits but still no fennel tea for your baby and when you ask for it you are looked as if you asked for astronaut food.("you are looking for WHAT?")
but its also the place where people actually interact in a loving way with your children (even after a 10 hour planeride), where you hear Jesus praised in a public radio station, where you see wild turkeys running around in the yard and birds that are have the brightest red feathers, were you can go fishing without a license, where you can ride in a truck thats as high as a flat house and still not stick out on the road, where I was smiled at more in two days than in half a year in Germany. The kids love it and it was a great start with lots of sunshine. And we all enjoy having so much family time.
Lots of Love,