Over two months have gone by since I wrote the last blog, and without even knowing it the Baby has already been to 5 States in America and to Germany and back with me. After some time in Alabama Lance and I drove to South Carolina, our new home state, where we had about a week to find a house. House hunting was extreme but we succeeded in the end. We bought a beautiful new construction (pictures
here) and are currently waiting for it to get finished so that we can move in! A friend that we know from Korea lets us live in her house until we can move in and we can't tell you how much we appreciate her hospitality towards us.

After a week of running around like headless chicken, picking out tiles and plants we were looking forward to get some rest and spend some time with the family in Michigan. We enjoyed watching the Olympic games with everyone and meeting Lance's little nephew for the first time was very special. While we were staying in his parents house Lance had the idea of clearing out some of his old stuff that was still stored in the house. It was interesting to go through all the pictures from his school years and I had to smile when I found a Coca Cola bottle with French writing on it which he brought back as a souvenir from his first Europe Trip...little did he know that he would one day have a German wife as a life long souvenir (-:

After some precious time with Lance's family we flew from Chicago to Munich to see my family and to get my belongings ready to ship overseas back to the USA. It was so good to be back to Germany and we both really enjoyed it! Even though I had lived in Munich all my life, I still appreciate the beauty of this city and walking through the town with my American husband makes me acknowledge it all over again! I love to see how much Lance likes Europe! While we were there we also went back to Schloss Neuschwanstein, which most Americans know for it's copy at Disneyworld. It is a breathtaking castle that is nestled in the Bavarian mountains (pictures
here). Knowing that we would be gone for awhile we tried to soak it all up and stored the memories in our minds for later. We tried to meet all of my friends within the short time we had and to spend as much time with my family as possible. It was great to spend time with everyone and especially with my so loved Grandparents since I don't know whether they will come and see us in the U.S.A.
The Departure was heartbreaking! Seeing my friends along with my mom, waving goodbye as we were walking through security was not easy, but I was able to keep it together still. I knew the next time I would see them I would have the baby! It was only a little after as the plane was taking off that I lost the battle with my emotions and cried like a little child! (and yes, emotions do get stronger during pregnancy!) Even though I worked and lived in France and Spain in the past and I moved to Italy with Lance, not to mention the good amount of time I spent in South Korea, this goodbye was different! I realised it was the first real move overseas; into a new house, in a new country, with a new baby on the way...so basically a whole new life!!

I hope I did not sound negative because I am anticipating this new stage in our lives more than anything else before, and especially the baby that grows inside of me fills my heart with joy! I cannot wait to look into this baby's eyes and kiss the little face. This coming Saturday I will be 31 weeks pregnant and I cannot believe how fast the time goes by. I continue to enjoy the baby's movements and found a good doctor and hospital for the delivery. She is from Ireland, seems like a very nice woman and has delivered more than 5000 babies in her career.
Lance has finally returned to normal work routine and will hopefully be able to fly again soon (before he forgets how to (-;) I am still feeling very good and apart from some heartburn have no complaints. Oh hang on, there is one! What's the deal with those leg cramps that keep waking me up in the middle of the night lately?! Are any of you mothers familiar with those? It feels like an Elephant sits down on my leg and then I cannot move it for a few seconds while it is so painful that I want to yell! Thankfully it never lasts long. Anyways, life is good! Until the next post... I am off to drive around in my new car!!
"Happiness is where we find it, but rarely where we seek it" -J. Petit Senn
FUN!!!! I love you Lana, and LOVE to see your pregnant belly! This will definitely be a whole new "move" for you, but know that you have family here in America and I would love to come visit you once you have the time and space to have Auntie Megan around for a few days. Miss you and our conversations!
ReplyDeletewow...ich wusste nich,dass du nen blog schreibst....so weit weg bist du,aber man fühlt sich wie in euer schlafzimmer bei deinen nächtlichen wadenkrämpfen versetzt...i like ;-)
ReplyDeletefreu mich,wenn wir uns bald sehen...mami,papi und moses...;-) dickes busserl
Hi Lana,
ReplyDeleteAre the leg cramps gone now or do you still get them? Maybe some magnesium and calcium would help. I read that it's frequent for someone to need more vitamins after an operation (in your case giving birth:-) )just to get back in shape. I used to get cramps in an elbow a few years back and the vitamins helped after just one day!
I hope you are feeling better by now.
Greetings to your little family.