verse of the day

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Leaving South Carolina

Hello. So much has happend since the last blog. The visit of Lance's older brother and his wife along with their daughter was really enjoyable.  Here are some pictures of our time together (click here).  A few of you might have read Lance's blog and know that we went to the coast one more time before we have to take off here very soon (if not, click here).  By just looking at the pictures one could think that we had a wonderful, relaxing time with two very content children which unfortunately wasn't the case. We really did have a good time and I am happy we went but have I mentioned that travelling isn't the same with a child? Well it doesn't get any easier with two children.  Especially with one (sorry Lilli) that is high maintainance.  She does cry alot and the past weeks haven't been so easy.  Sometimes Lilli sounds like she is in pain but then she calms down immediately if she is picked up.  So, Lance and I came to the conclusion that she is just needy.  Unfortunately Liam is hitting the so called "terrible two's" now so even he has had a couple of melt downs.  However it is all worth it!
It is hard to believe that a little over two years we arrived here in South Carolina with no children and now we are leaving for Germany with two wonderful blessings. God really is good.  As much as I am looking forward to be in Germany again, I am also sad to leave.  I loved our house and the beautiful weather with countless sunny days, the blooming bushes everywhere, the smell of honeysuckle in the air, being close to the coast, and our great church.  I have met some of the nicest people I know and most of all gave birth to both of my precious babies here in South Carolina.  This place will always hold a special place in my heart.

here are some pictures of the past weeks....oh and by the way for those of you who were confused with the picture  we sent out, we did not put Lilli in a little oven (-; that's just the way the mailboxes in the States look like.

The little helper
Getting to know each other

Lance's parents came to visit and Lilli's first church visit
Blooms in february
Love my girl
Always playing outside

Goodbye Y'All!!!  mabey I will see you again sometime!


  1. These last two posts are great. I am sad you are leaving even though we only made it down twice. The option was still there to drive a few hours and see you. We love you and pray for you often through this time.
    Love you all very much.

  2. aww, I'm sure it's hard to leave especially since this is where you had your 2 precious babies! These pics are so cute! I hope you settle into your new home smoothly and the kids do well on the trip!
