whatever it is, after almost a month I can honestly and wholeheartedly say that we had a fantastic stay in Holland! the drive was or should I say would have been only 3 hours from my house ( instead we did a short detour through Luxembourg * , thanks mom) and fairly easy. we had fantastic weather and made the most of the beach that was literally 1 min from our hotel. It was great to watch Liam play in the sand for hours. He is in the age now where he makes up his own games and pretends stuff and talks while he is playing and it is so interesting to see him change so much. But also Lilli was really content to play with her watering pot and bucket. It was my grandparents first time in the Netherlands and they really enjoyed it too. We went to a half island that is called Zeeland and the landscape as well as quaint little villages all around (esp. Middelburg and Verre) exceeded our expectations. Eating out tends to be a little pricey but definitely worth it. we had some delicious meals while were there. especially fish! was surprised how much fries the dutch eat though. every meal you order comes with them. So If you ever make it to the Netherlands I would definitely recommend Zeeland!
we are all doing good and are anxiously waiting for the special day. the kids have a candy jar that gets more empty daily and when all the candy is gone their hearts will overflow with joy! mine will too!
*yes, Luxembourg is another country in Europe!
and the children definitely loved the male attention!
my big boy watching the "water police"
and digging holes!
happy Lilli=happy mother!
getting more water! did not even get a chance to put her swimsuit on (-;
"brumm! brumm!
daily ice cream is inevitable if you travel with to grandmas!
she just love him and vice versa
walking with oma.... loved the little breaks I had.
"where are my children?"
"this does not taste good" mean brother!
I just love how this picture captures the way Lilli adores her older brother....
you are the best! (..and the most difficult)
Looks like a blast! The kids are so cute and it's fun to see them enjoying each other too =) Glad you had this time w/ your family. Praying for you!