verse of the day

Friday, July 4, 2014

Luis is here

The 4th of July 2014 is not only the celebration of Americas independence, but also the Ferguson family celebrating 1 week old Luis Everett. And besides, today was my official due date.
Considering that Luis' weight was 4820 gram, which is 10.6 lbs, I am thankful that he came a week early otherwise I probably would not write this right now. 

This big baby was born without pain medication and at the moment I take all the recognition I can for it. Beginning with the doctors' surprised face that made her measure twice out of disbelieve, to the midwife handing me the baby with the words "he feels like a 5week old", to friends congratulating me for delivering a toddler, and several others announcing me as their hero it's been a painful ride, I am sooooooo thankful that it's over!  Mind you I had the first two with epidural and this one without pain medication. It might sound paradoxical, but even though I would not wish those pains on my worst enemy I am thankful that I had this natural experience. 

Enough about my heroic performance though. Let's talk about the real superstar! Luis is such a sweetheart and super content. He sleeps ALOT and barely let's us see his beautiful eyes.
It's impossible to describe that immediate, uncomparable love you have when you look at your child. It's beautiful to see how love multiplies. God has blessed my life so much with my amazing husband and three wonderful children! Thank you Jesus!

When I look at this little face I find it so heard to believe that this perfect human being was formed inside of my body and that he was still inside of me last a bubble of water amazingly fed through the umbilical cord! Wow! I just can't wrap my mind around it. Since the cord is cut I guess it's a little bit of an Independence Day for this little man too ha! 

I am so thankful for the all the wives that are making meals for our family right now, for great friends who have been watching the kids and, most of all for Lance who has been doing his best to give me the needed rest while handling my hormonal change quiet well.

Luis on the 4th 
             Psalm 139 vers 16 

in your jbook were written, every one of them,

the days that were formed for me,

when as yet there was none of them.

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