verse of the day

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Still waiting....

so I was due 2 days ago and we are still waiting. My prediction is Tuesday but we will see.
Lance and I enjoyeded a few evenings outside with Liam in the meantime. Probably alot easier now than with a  newborn so the wait hasn't been to bad. I am still able to sleep fine which is great too.
Recently we walked to visit our Neigbours and see their chicken and goats. They are the sweetest old couple you can imagine and they have been providing us with great tasting eggs over the last year.

Liam loved feeding the chicken and the goats with corn.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

some belly pictures

Some of you might remember that a friend of mine painted my belly when I was pregnant with Liam. This time Liam was the Artist and we created some special memories (-;

Saturday, February 4, 2012

time is ticking!

In about two weeks Lance and I will add another person to our family. My official due date is february the 17th but only God knows what day the baby will make it's way into this world and more importantly only God knows if we will then welcome Lillian Kate or Luis Everett. Not knowing if it is a boy or a girl really gets difficult towards the end but it is all worth the big surprise in the delivery room. People have asked me what I would rather have but the truth is that I really don't care. I just want a healthy baby.
The reason I haven't been writing more about my second pregnancy is because it is so different when you already have a child that keeps you busy. I don't have the time anymore to read up on all the pregnancy books that compare the size of the baby to different fruits every week and inform you on all the changes. Sometimes I did not even keep up with how far along I am. All I know is that the baby will be here in february and that it is february NOW!!!! However, it still is just as amazing the second time around to feel the baby move inside of me and to think about God's wonderful creation.
Lately I have really been enjoying my time with Liam and knowing that it will never be just the 2 of us again (while Lance is working) made it even more special. He is such a precious little boy. It is easy to see that he is a cutie but what makes him so special is his sweet personalty. The way he gives me hugs and kisses (sometimes without me asking for it), seeing him interact with other children and being friendly to strangers and the way he is so full of joy every day that he just jumps around is such a pleasure and I am really greatful for it.
Of course there is difficult moments too, especially as he is getting older and more strong willed we have daily battles of willpower and disobedience. Especially the last few days have been long and tiring and I sometimes could not wait for him to take his nap or go to bed at night. But even though being a mom is the hardest job in the world it is also the most rewarding one and I am so glad that I get to spent my days with him.
Recently Lance had to work alot and sometimes he works on his master degree in his spare time so we both really enjoy spending time with him. Liam loves his time with "Papa". He just lights up when he hears him pull into the driveway and can't get to the door quick enough.
Time to go and watch a movie with Lance now and enjoy some of that precious couple time before it get's to late (-;
I will post one last picture of the baby belly on here if I make it in time so check back in a few days.
Love to you all!

Liam loves throwing stones into the water.

Having fun with one of his little friends.
Yes, it is springtime in January and I will miss the Carolina weather!
He loves the new race car that Oma bought for him! He took his beloved "Quack Quack" on a ride before he got on himself.

precious Papa time