verse of the day

Monday, September 16, 2013

We are complete again!

....and it's sooooo good! pictures speak louder than words but I just wanted to thank everyone that has helped making the last half year go by so fast. THANK YOU for visiting, calling, thinking of us but most of all for praying for us! God has really taken good care of me and the kids. To him be the glory!
Love to you all,
a very happy Lana.


  1. These pics are so precious!! brought tears to my eyes! I'm so happy for you all to be together again. I'm impressed w/ how well you did by yourself, Lana! (Praise the Lord for the strength He gave!) We were praying for you all! Also, love the pics of the balloon festival. how cool! Have a blast on your vacation in Micronesia. =)
    Love ya,

  2. What beautiful pictures. You are so right sister. They speak more than words. It is so gorgeous to see the Love Lance and you have for each other. I am proud to be your relative Lance and Lana. Love you! Daniel.

  3. Have to say that the Title "We are complete again!" also speaks loudly ;-) You are "one flesh". God bless you. Daniel.
